»What is the best way to lead agile?« is one of the burning issues for leaders working with us and therefore one of the most important questions for us to answer. From experience we see a lot of good intentions to search for the »best« way to lead in our agile 21st century environment. As a consequence, we made the question the central premise for this magazine. The ambitious goal was to serve you with the »best« way to become agile. Unfortunately, the »best« way does not exist.
Hundreds of books try to sell Holacracy, Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Sprints, SCRUM, Teal Organizations, Organization without Managers, Digital Transformations and so on as pure doctrine for success. Luckily, you won’t have enough time to read all these clever books trying to convince you about the best way of future-fit management anyway. Time is precious. So, we stuck to another premise: we decided to be most useful for your upcoming transformation.
We asked ourselves how we could give an overview in the jungle of agile buzzwords. What new ways of leading creates real impact and what’s just the next management trend with a fixed expiry date. With this special edition of our Change Magazine we contribute to the need to get a good overview about most relevant »state of the art« leadership issues in an agile world.
We are curious about your feedback and look forward to deepen the exchange about practices and experiences with you.